I just did not feel bad for not accomplishing GOALS!

Richa Gandhi
3 min readSep 24, 2020

Hey readers! How have you been? I am gonna talk about what do I think about having goals. GOALS are a huge part of our lives, infact we frame and plan our lives to what we want to achieve as goals!

I read somewhere that life is a happening, it is an experience of living every moment. Life itself is so constant in its uncertainties! We set goals to where we want to be in life! My life till now has not been so goal setting! I just feel okay when things work or do not workout! Something called procrastination and laziness is so much in me that being sad about planned things that I don’t do, feels so neutral to me! Does not generate any deep feeling of doing or not doing! I am in such AWW of people who call themselves doers, optimistic and they really work hard to complete a desired task! People are so passionate about accomplishing their short term / long term goals! I appreciate and respect them!

This sometimes turns into a feeling of envy when I am not able to accomplish my set tasks and just tend to do what I feel like almost everyday! I am not much of a goal driven person but I do want to become one soon. We have so many people around us who are so focused in accomplishing their goals that someone like me sometimes feel infirior of being the way I am! I do plan tasks and write down what all do I want to have in life! I am afraid of visualising myself of not having that desired knowlege or skill that I had aimed for when I just procrastinate my daily goals. Not accomplishing my planned tasks does not mean that I am not achieving anything. I do things, I focus on tasks that I feel like doing at that moment and it feels good; but this feeling always has a lesser height than the guilt height — of not doing the planned task. The guilt is of not achieveiLifeng the small goals that will result in not achieving the big goal!

What about the unplanned activities that you want to do at that moment? Is it worthless? Or does it loose the essence of its presence while we just focus on our guilt on not attempting or achieveing the goal? Not achieving my planned task made me write this blog and accept myself the way I am! Should I not see that?

Reminding myself and my readers, I would like to say, one should always change when there is a need! Being the same person and justifying yourself for everything you do does not always feel good. Trust and believe in yourself that you can change for your good; see what works right for you. For now, feeling guilty of not attempting my goal for today will trigger me to change for tomorrow! Well, experiencing all emotions is also a happening in Life!



Richa Gandhi

Human by physique and Soul. Thinker + Desinger. I am imperfect and in distractions, here to express myself and overcome my limitations to validate evolution.